Produse pentru teste gov covide (4)

Asigurarea Calității (QA)

Asigurarea Calității (QA)

Our comprehensive Quality Assurance (QA) services ensure the reliability and performance of your software. Our dedicated QA team conducts thorough testing throughout the development lifecycle, including functional, performance, and security testing. We identify and resolve issues early, ensuring that your product meets the highest quality, usability, and compliance standards before going live.
Sontara MicroPure - Șervețele de curățare pentru utilizare în camere curate ISO 5-9

Sontara MicroPure - Șervețele de curățare pentru utilizare în camere curate ISO 5-9

Sontara MicroPure ist ein Sortiment aus hochwertigen Reinigungstüchern zur Anwendung in Reinräumen der ISO-Klassen 5-9. Im Sortiment befinden sich Tücher zur Bodenreinigung, Allzwecktücher und Tücher für feinere Arbeiten und die Gerätepflege. Darüber hinaus bieten wir auch eine Reinigungsrolle für automatische Reinigungsanwendungen. Diese wird von uns auf Kundenwunsch maßangefertigt und ist für Reinräume ab Klasse 7 geeignet. Reinraumklassen:5-9 Material:Vliesstoff Sorten:Bodentücher, Allzwecktücher
Revizuirea expertă a procedurilor dumneavoastră

Revizuirea expertă a procedurilor dumneavoastră

During the audit, our experts will critically review your cleaning procedures and focus on all aspects that directly or indirectly influence them. They will present their findings and their recommendations in a clear and comprehensive report. This will give you a step-by-step plan for improving your procedures.
Audit la Fața Locului

Audit la Fața Locului

In addition to conducting a thorough audit of your cleaning procedures, we can also determine whether your team cleans according to the rules and regulations. This is essential to ensuring the sterility of your cleanroom. During the audit, the ultimate test will be determining the cleanliness of your cleanroom surfaces. Our PDL lights can detect particles up to 2 μm. We will compile the results of this on-site audit in a detailed report with concrete recommendations for improvement